Notes from the Field

What the helena Issue 11: March 17th-21st

Toplines: It’s Time for an Affordable Housing Market; Clean Air and Water on the Chopping Block; Plus, Watchlist & Wins  While one week certainly didn’t feel like enough time to recoup from the first half of the session we are back from transmittal break! Legislators are wasting no time, surprisingly, getting the next round of…

Notes from the Field

What the Helena #10 Transmittal Edition

Toplines: Don’t Skip The Recap; Your Questions, Answered; Watchlist Events, Rallies and Gatherings Tuesday, March 18th from 6-7:30pm at the Headwaters Confluence Center Join us in partnership with TransVisible Montana for our Queer Skillshare: Vision Boarding! Together, we will learn how to use vision boarding to help us clarify our goals as a community, envision success,…

Notes from the Field

What the Helena Issue #8 February 24th-28th

Toplines: The Pre-Transmittal Frenzy; Up Next in Attacks to the Judiciary; Plus, Watch List + Wins   Events, Rallies and Gatherings Saturday, March 8th from 3-5pm – Join our partners at Empower MT will be holding a LGBTQ+ Teen Clothing Swamp at the Center in Missoula.  Monday, March 10 from 6-7pm PM Wilson Hall, Bozeman-…

Notes from the Field

Reflecting on My Journey at Forward Montana

I’m filled with so many mixed emotions writing this! It’s becoming very real that this is my last week at Forward Montana. When I first accepted this position in 2019, I knew that I would be in the role for 3-5 years – just the right amount of time to have an impact while also…

Notes from the Field

2024 Post election Statement and resources

Like many of you, we are processing the outcome of the general election. There’s a lot that we don’t know, and it’s too early to draw any definitive conclusions about what the future holds. Here’s what we do know: we are so proud of the young people who showed up to make their voices heard….

Notes from the Field

Sexual Liberation Through a Repro Lens

Sexual Liberation is the idea that people should be able to express their sexuality without shame, judgment, or discrimination. This liberation acknowledges diverse sexual identities and practices, advocating for a society that respects individual choices and autonomy. The Role of Power in Sexual and Reproductive RightsPower impacts our decisions about our bodies, sexuality, and reproduction….

Notes from the Field

The Next Phase in Forward Montana’s Movement

As I reflect on my time with Forward Montana, I’m overwhelmed with pride for everything we’ve accomplished — everything YOU’VE helped accomplish! Our wins belong to all of us; everything we’ve achieved has been built on the work of the organizers and leaders who came before me, and the work of the brilliant team I’ve…

Notes from the Field

Whose Court? Our Court!

Exploring the Role of the Montana Supreme Court In the vastness that is the Montana legal landscape, the Montana Supreme Court stands tall as the ultimate pillar of justice and constitutional interpretation. Serving as the highest court of last resort in the state, it plays a pivotal role in ensuring the fair application of laws…

Notes from the Field

Bozeman Blitz- Issue 1

Have you ever had the experience where you’re listening to someone speak, trying to understand what they’re saying, but once they finish the best you’ve got is a blank stare because you don’t know wtf they just said? That’s kinda what it feels like sitting in on a city commission meeting for the first time.  Every month I…