
Notes from the Field

The Next Phase in Forward Montana’s Movement

As I reflect on my time with Forward Montana, I’m overwhelmed with pride for everything we’ve accomplished — everything YOU’VE helped accomplish! Our wins belong to all of us; everything we’ve achieved has been built on the work of the organizers and leaders who came before me, and the work of the brilliant team I’ve…

Notes from the Field

Sexual Liberation Through a Repro Lens

Sexual Liberation is the idea that people should be able to express their sexuality without shame, judgment, or discrimination. This liberation acknowledges diverse sexual identities and practices, advocating for a society that respects individual choices and autonomy. The Role of Power in Sexual and Reproductive RightsPower impacts our decisions about our bodies, sexuality, and reproduction….

Notes from the Field

Whose Court? Our Court!

Exploring the Role of the Montana Supreme Court In the vastness that is the Montana legal landscape, the Montana Supreme Court stands tall as the ultimate pillar of justice and constitutional interpretation. Serving as the highest court of last resort in the state, it plays a pivotal role in ensuring the fair application of laws…

Notes from the Field

Bozeman Blitz- Issue 1

Have you ever had the experience where you’re listening to someone speak, trying to understand what they’re saying, but once they finish the best you’ve got is a blank stare because you don’t know wtf they just said? That’s kinda what it feels like sitting in on a city commission meeting for the first time.  Every month I…

Notes from the Field

2023 Board Elections

It’s that time of the year again! Time for Forward Montana Board Elections. We are filling five spots on our board and have 20 awesome candidates. If you are a member of Forward Montana (aka you have donated $10 or more or volunteered for two hours or more in the past year) you are able…

What the Helena 2023

What the Helena 2023 Issue 17: Sine Die

Well, we’ve made it. After five long months, a slew of national news headlines, and nearly 800 bills passed, the 68th Montana Legislative Session is finally, blessedly over. So what comes next?  First, we rest. Then, we continue– with municipal elections this fall, communities to build back up, and rulemaking processes that will determine how…

What the Helena 2023


In light of the historic events unfolding in Helena this week, we’re taking a break from our regular “What the Helena” programming to spend some time talking about Representative Zooey Zephyr. It’s almost certain that, if you’re engaged enough to read this newsletter, you already know that the Montana House of Representatives voted on Wednesday…

What the Helena 2023

What the Helena 2023 Issue #15

Well friends, we’re limping along and almost to the finish line of this very brutal legislative session! Through all the good news and bad, we’re grateful for you – your participation, questions, thoughts, ideas, and general existence bring us such joy. This week has been quite the doozy, but so many folks have shown up…

What the Helena 2023

What the Helena Issue #14

Has this year’s legislative session left you feeling discombobulated? Befuddled? Frazzled? Perhaps even perplexed? Well there’s a good reason for that – this year legislators have introduced the most bills since 1973, which is when Montana law had to undergo a massive overhaul to incorporate our brand-new Constitution! As we get into the closing few…