We envision a Montana in which:

  • Affordable housing, higher education, and healthcare are accessible and attainable; 
  • Policies reflect a livable climate for all future generations;
  • All Montanans are able to work, live, and play in Montana free of discrimination and harm; and
  • The act of voting is just, fair, accessible, and safe.


What issues do you care about? Economic justice? The environment? LGBTQ2+ equality? Forward Montana is working to make sure young people in Montana have all the information, resources, and accessibility they need to speak up about their values — from conversations in person and online, to the ballot box, and even the state capitol. Our staff, interns, and volunteers are working hard for election reform and voter access — because when it comes to politics, your vote is your voice. 

Your Vote and Your Voice matter

We interviewed young people to hear how they are feeling about voting and the power their voice and vote can hold! We hear from young Montanans who feel that there is a level of disenfranchisement when it comes to voting. Some young people will say ‘why does my vote matter?’ and they aren’t alone in this feeling, yet if we can look at the power we hold and what we can do as a collective, our voices are powerful.

There are young people across the state feeling disenfranchised and not sure how to engage in important, fruitful conversations with one another. Wondering how do I make a difference when one vote can feel too small, so we ask, will you trust that together our votes can make a difference?
Making a difference can be done with small steps, by individuals in our communities! Empowering others to do the same, can result in even bigger improvements to quality of life and feeling connected to your community.
Forward Montana helps with voter registration for young people across the state, holding community events and providing young people the tools and resources to be civically engaged. Voting is one way to be engaged in the process towards impactful activism.