Notes from the Field

FMT’s SB319 Litigation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Raph Graybill, Graybill Law Firm, (406) 403-2811 ** Forward Montana sues to challenge recent unconstitutional lawmaking ** [HELENA, MONTANA] Forward Montana, Montana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Lewis & Clark County Attorney Leo Gallagher, and a group of prominent members of the bar who represent both plaintiffs and defendants, have filed…

Notes from the Field

2021 Legislative Session Statement

As an organization that advocates for the safety and well-being of all Montanans, the last few months of the 2021 Legislative Session have been tough. If you weren’t able to keep up, here are some key policy takeaways from the 67th Montana Legislative session.

Notes from the Field What the Helena 2021

What the Helena – Week 17

*May 2, 2021* Friends, it has been a long session. We feel like we’ve aged ten years in the last four months. We have seen good bills die, bad bills pass, and legislators representing special interests — NOT their constituents. Through it all, one thing has been constant: Montanans like you have shown the f**k…

Notes from the Field What the Helena 2021
Stylized text 'What the Helena' with sub-heading reading 'Forward Montana's Weekly Gudie to the 2021 legislative session'

What the Helena – Week 16

*April 25, 2021* The final day of the legislative session — known as sine die — inches closer by the day, though lawmakers seems to be speeding up before they slow down. One hateful bill down, two to go Put on your party pants, people! This week, the Senate voted to indefinitely postpone HB427, which…

Notes from the Field What the Helena 2021
Stylized text 'What the Helena' with sub-heading reading 'Forward Montana's Weekly Gudie to the 2021 legislative session'

What the Helena – Week 15

*April 18, 2021* Events this week: Sunday, April 18 (Today!): Time to channel your inner Bob Ross, because we’re hosting a statewide, collaborative art project exploring what economic justice means to young Montanans. Sign up to participate by the end of the day today! Monday, April 19: Students from across Montana will be holding a protest at the Capitol building…

Notes from the Field

Queer in Montana: Reflecting on the 2021 Legislative Session

During the event on March 16th, we talked about this issue: How do we take care of each other when it feels like every politician in the state is working to abolish our existence? I’ve thought a lot about this and have struggled to come up with a good list of self-care tips because it does feel a bit hopeless at times. Then I was reminded by a very inspiring individual that queer and trans people are magical. We have always and will always exist. With that, here are a few of my favorite tips to take care of yourself and others:

Notes from the Field What the Helena 2021
Stylized text 'What the Helena' with sub-heading reading 'Forward Montana's Weekly Gudie to the 2021 legislative session'

What the Helena – Week 14

*April 11, 2021* We hope y’all are staying healthy, safe, and taking care of yourselves. If you haven’t already heard, COVID-19 vaccinations are now available to all Montanans over 16 years old. They are free and don’t require insurance, so go get that jab! Save the date: Forward Montana is collecting submissions for a zine…

Notes from the Field What the Helena 2021

What the Helena – Week 13

*April 4, 2021* Events this week: Tuesday, April 6 — Join us and some of our partners for a virtual Public Lands Rally from 12-1pm. We’ll hear short speeches from Conrad Anker (climber, mountaineer, & author), Francine Spang-Willis (board member, Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness Foundation), Rachel Schmidt (former director, MT Office of Outdoor Recreation), and Andrew Posewitz (sportsman…

Notes from the Field

Stop Asian Hate Statement

Note: Monday night, a gunman shot and killed 10 people in Boulder, CO. Our hearts go out to the Boulder community and families of the victims.   — Hyun Jung Grant. Xiaojie Tan. Yong Ae Yue. Daoyou Feng. Soon Chung Park. Sun Cha Kim.  These are the names of the six Asian women who were…