I’m filled with so many mixed emotions writing this! It’s becoming very real that this is my last week at Forward Montana.

When I first accepted this position in 2019, I knew that I would be in the role for 3-5 years – just the right amount of time to have an impact while also leaving space for the next leader. When COVID turned our world inside out and reduced electoral organizing to phones and laptop screens, I became eager and hungry for another chance at a major election. A chance to build community with in-person opportunities, to connect with voters at the doors, and to travel across the state that I love so much.

That’s why I was really surprised with the overwhelming emotions I felt when we announced my transition. This was a long time coming, but yet I was filled with tears – tears of sadness and grief, but also joy and pride. As I’ve been telling people, my chapter is coming to a close, and now it’s time for someone new to write the next one.

As I reflect on the last five years, I’m filled with tremendous pride for all we’ve accomplished:

  • Elevated Forward Montana’s visibility to national outlets including an OpEd in Teen Vogue, a think piece in The Forge, and mentions in the New York Times and New Republic.
  • Conducted electoral field programs that collectively registered over 16,500 voters, conducted over 87,000 door knocks & 500,000 phone calls, and mailed 840,000 pieces to young voters across the state.
  • Ran leadership development programs that hosted hundreds of events reaching thousands of young people and coordinated hundreds of volunteers.
  • Managed advocacy programs that passed pro-housing zoning reforms, pushed back against attacks to queer and trans youth, and defended access to voting. Secured abortion rights for Montanans through the passage of CI-128.
  • Became a plaintiff in two successful lawsuits that challenged four bills targeting young voters and college students, which included leading the organization’s response during discovery, a deposition, and a highly publicized trial. Bonus – SCOTUS just denied the Secretary of State’s request to hear the case!

All of this work would not have been possible without the incredible staff and board (former and current) who lended our organization their passion and joy. It would not have been possible without the hundreds of volunteers out with clipboards and MiniVAN apps. It would not have been possible without people like YOU who believed that when given the chance, young people can do incredible things.

Of course, the most recent election has shown us we have a lot of work to do. So even if Montana isn’t quite ready for a just and sustainable future, we can still imagine and live into the world we’re fighting for with the things we can control. By being transparent, embracing radical candor, and holding ourselves accountable to our actions, I believe that we can practice the values we espouse and model for others what is possible.

This also doesn’t mean we should lean into fear. Let strategy be our guardrails as we do what we do best – be loud, be fun, and be proud. After all, young people will always have BIG dreams for the future. We owe it to them to keep on fighting, to keep on pushing…to envision a better world that we all deserve. It starts with the 2025 legislative session, and in five short years it’ll be the 2030 Census (I KNOW). From there, the possibilities are endless. The future isn’t that far away.

There is no organization that is as primed as Forward Montana to meet the moment we’re in. We’re overdue for a new strategic plan, and I’m excited that a new leader will help write that next chapter. While we’re not ready to announce the new leader yet, I am delighted to share that our Operations Director Annie Warner and Director of Voter Engagement Courtney Smith will be stepping in as interim co-EDs. Annie and Courtney have played a critical role in Forward Montana’s successes and are ready for this next challenge.

So deep down, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. It has been such an incredible honor to be a part of the magic that is Forward Montana.


Kiersten Iwai