image of montana state capitol building with wording 'wtf is the montana supreme court'

The Montana Supreme Court is the highest court of last resort in the State. The Montana Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction and has general supervisory control over all other courts. This Court decides questions of state law that significantly impact state policy and individual rights. The justices of the Montana Supreme Court review cases based upon interpretation of the Montana Constitution, US Constitution, and Montana state law. The Montana Supreme Court is the final stop on the legal journey making it imperative that we pay attention to who gets elected.

So, if you care about voting rights, access to abortion, climate change, and a number of other issues, then you should be paying attention to the Montana Supreme Court!

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Supreme Court Justice Candidates 

Jeremiah Lynch Montana Supreme Court Chief Justice candidate

Jeremiah Lynch

Butte born Jeremiah Lynch has served as a Federal Magistrate Judge and Law Clerk in the Montana District of the United States District Court and has twenty-eight years of judicial experience. Lynch has also served on the Montana Board of Public Education and the Montana Board of Environmental Review.

B.A. from Carroll College
M.A. Montana State University
J.D. from University of Montana School of Law

Doug Marshall Montana Supreme COurt Justice candidate

Doug Marshall

Doug Marshall has been practicing law since 1982, noting his fight for Montana workers and those unfairly charged with crimes. Marshall is a trial lawyer on numerous public interest cases, civil rights cases, felony criminal cases, and personal injury and wrongful death settlements and verdicts, practicing in federal and state courts.

University of Oregon
J.D. from University of Montana School of Law

Cory Swanson Montana Supreme Court Chief Justice candidate

Cory Swanson

Cory Swanson grew up in the Montana Hi-Line and now resides in Townsend, Montana.  He served as Deputy Attorney General in the Montana Department of Justice for Attorney General Tim Fox and is currently the Broadwater County Attorney. Swanson was trial counsel for the Montana v. Wyoming Water case, one of the longest trials in recent years. 

B.A. from Carroll College
J.D. from University of Montana School of Law

Katherine Bidegaray Montana Supreme Court Justice #3 Candidates

Katherine Bidegaray

Bidegaray serves as a District Court Judge for the 7th Judicial District. Bidegaray has over twenty years of legal experience, having practiced law in the areas of estate planning, agriculture, and family law. She advocates for public lands and quality education and advocates against the assault on the rule of law which endangers the liberties of Montanans. Bidegaray credits her values to her upbringing on a ranch in Sidney, Montana. 

B.A. from University of Montana
J.D. from University of Montana School of Law

Jerry O'neil Supreme Court Justice #3 Candidates

Jerry O’Neil

Jerry O’Neil of Kalispell served as a legislator for twelve years, eight of which were in the State Senate. His experience includes working as a paralegal, mediator, tribal attorney, and arbitrator. 

A.A. from Flathead Community College

Dan Wilson Supreme Court Justice #3 Candidates

Dan Wilson

Dan Wilson’s legal experience spans from 1993 to his current position as Flathead County District Judge. Prior to his time as a judge, Wilson worked as a prosecuting attorney throughout Montana. Wilson also has experience in private practice having worked in contract law, estate planning, and criminal defense.

J.D. from University of Minnesota Law School