- Welcome to our first monthly newsletter! We will send out a monthly email with all things Forward Montana, but don’t worry, you can update your email preferences here if you don’t want to receive this!
- Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. This is extremely disappointing.
- We are hiring a Flathead Field Manager and a Civic Engagement Organizer!
What’s happening at Forward Montana?
We’re hiring for a Flathead Field Manager and a Civic Education Organizer! Head to the link below to learn more.
Sleeping Giant Citizens Council, the Helena affiliate of the Northern Plains Resource Council, is hosting a FREE public forum on the proposed passenger rail on Tuesday, January 25th at 7:00PM over Zoom.
Election Judges are needed across the state, but especially in Missoula! Head to the link below to learn more and to sign up today!
A Note from Kiersten Iwai
Hello and welcome to our first monthly newsletter! If you don’t know me yet, my name is Kiersten Iwai and I’m Forward Montana’s Executive Director. Every month, we’ll be keeping you informed and up-to-date on all things voting rights, elections, politics, and more!

Breaking News on Voting Rights
Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.This is extremely disappointing.
If you haven’t been following this legislation closely, here’s what you need to know: Over the past year, Congress has struggled to pass two bills that would be instrumental in strengthening our democracy and securing our right to vote. Congressional leaders combined the two bills into one, the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. Because of complicated Senate rules about cloture, debates, and the filibuster, this monumental piece of legislation failed to secure enough votes to advance.
This bill is at the heart of what Forward Montana stands for. We can’t make our communities a better place unless we have a voice at the table. While we are disheartened by the result, we applaud the senators (shout out to Senator Tester!) who have backed this legislation, and chosen to ensure voting rights are human rights. The work is not over. Join us as we continue to fight for everyone’s right to vote.
Power Play – A Newsletter Series
Announcing Power Play – a newsletter series exploring the past, present, and future of Montana energy generation, transmission, and regulation. Companies, corporations, and elected officials have moved the pieces determining Montana’s energy landscape for over a century. Today, NorthWestern Energy supplies power to two-thirds of Montana’s energy consumers. The company could transform our state into an affordable and renewable energy powerhouse, but choose instead to depend on expensive and dirty fossil fuels. Why is NorthWestern Energy planning to spend over $1 billion building a fleet of gas fired power plants over the next two decades? Why hasn’t the Public Service Commission, the one publicly elected agency tasked with regulating NorthWestern Energy, defended us from rising energy prices and a climate catastrophe? We’ll inspect the past and present of these two entities to uncover the answers to these questions and actualize an equitable and sustainable energy future.