As I reflect on my time with Forward Montana, I’m overwhelmed with pride for everything we’ve accomplished — everything YOU’VE helped accomplish! Our wins belong to all of us; everything we’ve achieved has been built on the work of the organizers and leaders who came before me, and the work of the brilliant team I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside for the last five years.

We’ve fought — successfully — to defend young Montanans’ right to vote. Through two lawsuits we’ve helped safeguard voting access, especially for younger and more marginalized voters, who are often shut out of the process. These wins were hard-fought, and feel like a monumental victory in a time when that right is increasingly under threat. 

And, of course, we’ve turned out young voters! In the last federal election (2022), turnout for youth who were contacted by Forward Montana was 14 percentage points higher than for all registered youth voters in Montana. If a young voter received multiple types of contact (mail, phone, canvass) they turned out at a rate that was 30 percentage points higher than their peers. We’re hopeful for similar success this fall. Even when the political landscape isn’t always friendly to young, progressive voices, we can still make tangible change.

But of course, it hasn’t been easy. While people often say that the Executive Director role is the loneliest position, I was never actually alone. Everywhere I turned, it was people like you, who believed in me and Forward Montana, that helped the organization grow into the powerhouse it is today. It was the people who came before me – Matt Singer, Andrea Marcoccio, Kayje Booker, and Rachel Huff-Doria who built and continued the dreams of young people. It was all of the staff, members, and volunteers who walked through our doors (and Zoom rooms) who made and continue to make up the heart and soul of this organization that we all love.

I am so dang incredibly proud of Forward Montana’s resilience and strength through the highs and lows that the last five years has thrust at us. Whether it was during a global pandemic or a contentious election cycle or legislative session, Forward Montana provided hope, community, and action. This resilience is a testament to all of you, who power this organization. Your creativity, determination, and yes, your sass, has kept us moving forward through challenge after challenge.

Today, it is with incredible gratitude and humility that I would like to share that January 2025 will be my last month with Forward Montana. I don’t have any concrete plans for what comes next, but I know I’m staying in Montana. This is home! I’m taking some time to rest—yes, there will be skiing so I hope to see you on the lifts or in the backcountry! Forward Montana will always be a part of me, and I know that the organization is in good hands with the incredible people who are leading the way.

As I step back, I’m excited to watch a new generation of leaders push the boundaries of what’s possible. I don’t know what the future holds—whether it’s fighting for affordable housing, climate justice, voting rights—but I do know this: Forward Montana will continue to be a political home for young people, and we’ll keep pushing elected officials to govern for all of us, not just the privileged few.

If you, or someone you know, is ready to lead Forward Montana in this next chapter, I encourage you to apply! I started my ED journey as a 27-year-old who believed in the power of young leaders. That next person could be you!

I am so grateful for each and everyone one of you for believing in the dream of Forward Montana.

Kiersten Iwai

Executive Director