From May 3rd – May 8th, 2022, Forward Montana went on the road. We started in MT01 (the new western district) and stopped in Butte, Missoula, Kalispell, and Bozeman before heading to MT02 (the eastern district) for a finale in Billings.
We invited all the candidates running in the congressional race (Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents). Candidates were asked a series of hard-hitting long form and rapid response questions. These questions centered the most pressing issues facing Montanans today: climate change, affordable housing, voting rights and LGBTQ+ equality.
Each event was video recorded, as well as live tweeted. View the information below to see the live stream recordings and the Twitter feed.
The live streamed event from Butte can be accessed from the link to the right.
The live streamed event from Missoula can be accessed from the link to the right.
The live streamed event from Kalispell can be accessed from the link to the right.
The live streamed event from Bozeman can be accessed from the link to the right.
The live streamed event from Billings can be accessed from the link to the right.
Twitter feed
Check out the link to the right for Forward Montana’s Twitter coverage of the events.
Read more about the forums
Bozeman Daily Chronicle
Read Alex Miller’s news coverage of the Bozeman Candidate forum.
Congressional candidates to appear at back-to-back events Friday
Missoula Current
Read Laura Lundquist’s news coverage of the Missoula Candidate Forum.
Western district congressional candidates discuss climate, abortion, housing in Missoula
Montana StANDARD
View Meagan Thompson’s photo coverage of the Butte Candidate Forum.
What’s next?

Help us get out the vote! Over the next month, Forward Montana is is phone banking and registering voters to make sure voters are prepared and ready to cast their ballot on June 7th. We need your help to get out the vote. Head to the link below to view the available shifts and to sign up to volunteer!