WTF do state legislators do?
The Montana State Legislature is made up of 100 Representatives, serving two-year terms, and 50 Senators, serving four-year terms. This year, 26 Senators and all 100 Representatives are up for election. State legislators are responsible for proposing and voting on laws that impact all of Montana, as well as being the voice of their district and ensuring their constituents’ needs are being met by the state.
#DYK that Montana is one of only a few states with a citizen legislature? This means that our legislators aren’t full-time lawmakers— when the legislature isn’t in session, they live and work in the communities they represent.
If the candidate is an incumbent, you can also check out our legislative scorecard to see how they voted in the 2021 session.
Why should I give a shit?
The Montana State Legislature has a TON of power over what our day-to-day lives look like here in Montana. They have control over our state’s budget, our housing policies, which human rights are protected by the state, and much more. State legislators also serve much smaller districts than, say, U.S. Representatives; these local elections are often WILDLY close, sometimes coming down to only a few dozen votes to decide a race. Your voice and vote matter SO much!
To create this guide, we sent each candidate a questionnaire in July 2022. “No response” indicates an unanswered question or lack of sufficient publicly available evidence to confidently assess the candidate’s position.
All responses we received from candidates are unedited.
To begin, please find your community listed below and click to jump to the drop down menus to find candidates in your district. Use the arrows on the left side of the grey boxes to view the districts, candidates, and questions.
Not sure which house district you are in? Head to the link here to find out.
Not sure which senate district you are in? Head to the link here to find out.
Bozeman | Billings | Helena | Great Falls | Butte | Missoula
In the Flathead? While we don’t have guides for the candidates running in your legislative districts, there are some county wide levies and bonds to look out for! Head to the link here to learn more.
House Districts
House District 60

Endorsements: Montana Conservation Voters, MFPE, AFL-CIO
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I support the expansion of clean energy generation. I also support the reduction of energy use that is dependent on fossil fuels by improving efficiency to reduce demand. Lastly, we must also keep an eye on the impacts of climate change. I support conservation-minded mitigation strategies for flood and fire impacted areas and sustainable agriculture.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I have a strong track record of voting in favor of protecting the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. All Montanans should be treated as the valued members of our state that they are and not be discriminated against in any arena including, but not limited to, privacy, employment, housing, healthcare, education and quality of life. In the 2021 session, I opposed and actively worked against any and all threats to the rights of the transgender community, including participation in sports and access to needed healthcare.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I support state investment in affordable housing projects, both directly and through the use of state investment funds for low-interest loans. Given that tackling housing is complicated, I believe in maintaining local control to develop and implement policies that work in particular communities. Lastly, I support approaching landlord/tenant policies with an eye towards protecting renters and ensuring they are not left behind in the effort to keep housing investments viable for owners.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 61

Endorsements: Montana Conservation Voters, Montana Rural Voters Action Fund, Montana Sportsmen’s Alliance
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Broadening and increasing Alternative energy tax credit, State vehicles, buildings and practices should be very energy efficient, incentivize private sector to build in an energy efficient manner, continue supporting and favor water reduction projects in infrastructure grants.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I am concerned about a move to a more authoritarian and exclusive view of rights for all of us. LGBTQ+ and Trans folks can be some of the most vulnerable. Vigilance about that encroachment, speaking out when those rights are threatened and continuing to vote as I have for my legislative career to protect rights would be my approach.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
State level grants/ loans to local planning departments to speed permitting, Experiment with different zoning regimes (at the local level, not mandated by State), incentivize building of multi-family units rather than single family, expand use of federal credits limited by State, property tax limits tied to your income level. Supply for median income/workers housing is critical to a healthy economy. Encourage partnerships with larger employers to help that supply.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 62

Ed Stafman (D)
Endorsements: Montana Conservation Voters, Montana Federation of Public Employees, Montana Rural Voters Action Fund, others pending
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Transition to renewable energy as quickly as possible, build charging stations, promote community solar and rooftop solar, increase funding for energy efficiency in buildings, encourage environmentally friendly agriculture.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
As I have done consistently in the past, I will oppose those bills which seek to harm or stigmatize anyone based on race, religion, ethnicity, of gender identification.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
We passed a good bill for workforce housing last session which was vetoed by the governor; I will work to give it another shot. Part of the problem is homes purchased as second homes and as investments. I would increase property taxes on such homes. I would give more power to local government to address the problem.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
This question is too vague to answer.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
Antidiscrimination laws should cover all people, without regard to sexual orientation or identity.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Encourage infill projects in developed areas, especially near transit centers and retail/office locations.
House District 63

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I will support any legislation that increases our communities’ and state’s ability to generate renewable energy and decrease our reliance on fossil fuels. Specifically, I will support incentivizing the development of wind and solar energy, community-scale energy generation projects, expanding the existing C-PACE program and building out electric vehicle infrastructure). I will advocate for environmental justice as the foundation for any climate change legislation and initiatives.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will continue to be vocal about how trans rights are human rights and our imperative as the legislature is to not only minimize violence and discrimination against our LGBTQ+ community but to protect their bodies, experiences, and fundamental rights. In a sociopolitical context that marginalizes and subjugates certain bodies, when some don’t have the ability to make decisions about their own bodies, none of us have autonomy. I will continue to fight against the many anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ bills that will get introduced and amplify the voices of our queer and trans community members.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I have centered expanding access to housing for everyone as a basic human right in my campaign and will support those corresponding policies in the session. I will support incentivizing the development of multi-family unit, high-density housing (and restrict prohibitive zoning measures), increasing the supply of affordable housing for renters and homeowners through low-interest loans to developers/no-interest loans to nonprofits, and incentivizing long-term rentals over short-term rentals.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Continue to support Governor Gianforte’s ideas and policies on climate change with businesses, technology, and academics.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
Enforcing federal anti discrimination policies including jobs and public spaces.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Create housing opportunities for further investment and partnerships between the government and businesses for all the people of Montana.
House District 64

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
We need to reduce Montana’s reliance on our coal industry and harness our other natural, cleaner resources, like wind and solar. At the same time, we must support those who have worked in our coal industry. One way we could do this is to provide incentives for increasing our solar and wind power (for example, pay electrical customers who have solar for any overages that go into the grid). Another is to provide retraining opportunities to those in the coal industry so that they can move into other industries.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
They are already protected statewide. The Montana Constitution provides for broad protections, including the right to privacy and a stand alone right to dignity. These rights have already been found to protect the LGBTQ+ community in the Gryznan case. I will uphold the Rule of Law and promise to protect our Constitution. We are two seats away from a Republican Constitutional Convention. The best way to prevent that is to vote for me.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I live in Big Sky where affordable housing is a crisis. As such, we are thinking outside the box. one thing we recently implemented is the “Good Deeds” program. This provides up to 15% of a down payment in exchange for a deed restriction state that a local worker (works 30 plus hours in Big Sky) must live in the house. I would also like to look at tax incentives for businesses that provide permanent employee housing. I would also support inclusionary zoning, which the last legislature banned by statute.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I support allocating public resources to disseminate factual, non-politicized, non-hyperbolized, historical and projected climate change information. I also support public subsidies for research into climate change mitigation, and reduction of subsidies for carbon intensive industries.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I would work to improve the equality of every citizen and eliminate any form of discrimination, whether that be by gender, faith, ancestry, or orientation.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I would work to remove state mandates and restrictions which prevent local communities from developing and undertaking their own affordable housing initiatives; the local agencies having a better sense for what works in their area.
House District 65

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Invest in renewables, expand rooftop solar, fund disaster recovery, fund workforce training programs for a just transition
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will defend my LGBTQ+ neighbors with my vote and and with my actions.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Support workforce housing, zoning adjustments, limits on speculation, local solutions approved by voters, increase supply

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 66

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Speed up the transition to renewable energy while protecting the working people of Montana that have been the heart of our energy production historically.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I would support any legislation that protects right for LGBTQ+ people and promote the fact that we are all people living in a society and we all deserve our rights and freedoms. I would also oppose any legislation that infringes on rights.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I am a big proponent of strong wages. If we pay our workers a solid wage that fits in with their communities cost of living we can all have better communities. I will be working for higher wages in any way possible.
House District 67

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Montana has unique opportunities to support climate-friendly policies as we are an energy-producing state and can lead the way on solutions. We are the 7th best wind-producing state in the nation and have transmission lines that will have greater capacity as coal continues its downturn. I will promote all sustainable energy generation, especially those that make greater economic sense in the short- and long-term for the health of the planet.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I respect transgender people and will work to protect their fundamental rights through
* Preserving the right to change the marker on their birth certificate
* Allowing transgender individuals to engage in high school, college, and NCAA sports
* Assuring transgender individuals access to gender-affirming healthcare
* Protecting everyone’s right to safe and healthy housing
* Working to repeal the RFRA law passed in 2021
* Supporting a statewide nondiscrimination ordinance.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Many legislative policies prohibit action that helps Montanans. I support, among others:
* Inclusionary zoning for local governments wishing to use it
* Taxing short-term rentals as commercial properties
* Taxing second homes and nonresident homes at a higher rate
* Increasing hotel-bed and rental car taxes typically paid by visitors
* Assessing a demolition fee when removing low- and moderate-income housing
* Capping property taxes for owner-occupants who have lived there 30 years or more

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate District 32

Endorsements: AFL-CIO, Montana Conservation Voters, Montana Sportsmen Alliance
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources. Modernize our power grid to allow for an efficient exchange of power from renewable sources to customers. Pursue better power storage capacity and carbon capture that will come with investment in research and technology, and infrastructure. Public policy must encourage energy conservation and fair transition for Montana’s local economies that are coal dependent to support their wage earners and community stability.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
The rights of LGBTQ+ people are simply human rights that must be guaranteed. I will support any legislative efforts to guarantee a protection of their rights, and vote against any legislative proposals to diminish those human rights.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I will support or propose a low income housing tax credit similar to what was passed and vetoed following the 2021 Legislature. We should increase the funding for the Multi-family Coal Trust Homes Program, including the use of current budget surplus. Those programs can greatly expand the pool of available low income housing in Montana. The Legislature must support local efforts by Montana communities to solve their affordable housing crisis.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate District 33

Endorsements: Montana Conservation Voters, MCV Montana Environmental Information Center, MEIC Montana Medical Association, MMA Montana Federation of Public Employees
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I would support, and possibly bring, legislation to expand renewables, storage and electric vehicles opportunities.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I won’t support any legislation that will take away Montanan’s “Right to Privacy”. Our Constitution will be under attack next session and I will fight to protect this important document and the rights it protects.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Possible tax credits for affordable housing and return local control to counties and cities, are two areas where benefits could have immediate impacts on housing.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate District 34

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Incentivize the sale of hybrid and electric cars, expand infrastructure for charging stations and electrical grids sourced from renewable sources such as wind and solar. Create tax rebates for developers and homeowners that build or retrofit houses with energy efficient appliances. Require state agencies to report greenhouse gas emissions and develop plans to reduce emissions. I would like to develop a state fund to ease economic burdens of climate disasters.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
We need to reverse the decisions of DPHHS blocking trans people from changing their birth certificates to match their identities. Additionally, requiring government employees to take lgbtq+ trainings will ensure that staff are fully informed of experiences that may not be part of their existing world view. Finally, increasing lgbtq+ related questions on community surveys, will allow agencies to make better informed decisions identifying the needs of lgbtq+ community.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Creating more housing will take years before we see results. By returning inclusionary communities can mandate more low-income housing. Many communities have developed rental assistance programs; however, community needs drastically outweigh funding, so working to increase the financial stability of these programs will ensure the most at risk people have housing. Certain zoning laws hinder the higher density development so relaxing those will allow more obtainable housing.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House Districts
House District 44

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I support expanding protection for clean water, air and land, in addition to maintaining and expanding conservation of public lands. Other ideas include converting government vehicles to electric and fuel efficient vehicles. Mandating more diverse power sources to include sustainable sources, and holding the PSC accountable to their duty of oversight to the power company.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
The right to marriage must be protected, as well as a statewide non-discrimination regulations to protect employment, access to housing and healthcare. We need to make changes to official documentation accessible for transgender, nonbinary and two-spirit individuals, including birth certificates and drivers licenses. Additionally, we should actively seek to eliminate gendered language in our constitution and laws to ensure that all Montanans are treated equally under the law.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
The market is not naturally adjusting to provide for the demand, so Montana needs to repeal laws restricting municipalities’ ability to instate affordable housing ordinances. Additionally, corporations that trigger gentrification as well as corporations and individuals who purchase more than a certain number of properties for rental income should pay additional taxes to support community infrastructure and services. And cities should be encouraged to experiment with universal housing and co-op housing to help provide competition for landlords and builders.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 47

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
The Montana Climate Solutions Plan, a report commissioned by former Governor Bullock outlined a variety of strategies to combat and adapt to a warming climate. I would support implementing several of the proposed strategies such as reducing greenhouse gases, but on a more aggressive timeframe, and developing “region innovation clusters” which would bring together higher learning institutions with industry leading to a more educated and skilled workforce.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I would oppose legislation that seeks to discriminate against any group or class of people, along with opposing legislation that would discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Repealing House Bill 259 would be a start as it stripped away from local governments the ability to implement inclusionary zoning which would require new housing projects to provide some affordable housing. Also, building in higher density with smaller lots utilizing infill land/lots. Reviewing and improving regulatory barriers such as speeding up the timeline for plan approvals both at the local and state level.

Thomas J Madigan (R)
Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 48

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 49

Emma kerr-carpenter (D)
Endorsements: Montana Federation of Public Employees, AFL-CIO, Montana Conservation Voters
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I will continue to support policies that help our economy shift to low/no carbon alternatives through things like infrastructure for electric vehicles, new low carbon technologies, and policies that mitigate the impact for communities like Colstrip in a no carbon future. I will also support policies that help prepare our roads, bridges, and community infrastructure for the impacts of climate change as serious weather events become the norm.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will continue to vote against whatever bigoted nonsense policies are attempted this next session. We have to enact policies that protect the rights and freedoms of LGBTQ+ folks starting with including sexual orientation as a protected class under the state’s human rights laws.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Last session, I voted for every bill to create more affordable housing and against bills that would put up barriers to making more housing available. One such bill that would have unlock millions of dollars for building more housing was vetoed by the Governor. When it comes back up, I will be voting a giant YES on it. I’ve also carried bills to increase the rights and protections for renters every session that I have served.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 50

James Reavis (d)
Endorsements: Montanans for Choice, AFL-CIO Labor Organization, Former Congressional Candidate John Heenan
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I support clean energy from all available sources, including solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and safe nuclear energy. Fossil fuels provide important baseload capacity, but we must transition to a cleaner future that protects our water and our air. During this transition, we cannot neglect our miners and factory workers. We must provide job security and retraining support. New energy production facilities should be built where our trained workers already reside.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will always support LGBTQ+ protections and will follow the leadership and guidance of our transgender and non-binary representatives who will soon be elected to the Montana Legislature. I support gender-affirming healthcare and repealing the Montana Constitution’s marriage amendment. I support repeal of the transgender discrimination bills that were unfortunately passed in the last session.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Let’s start with zoning reform that will reduce or eliminate minimum lot sizes and permit more multi-family housing, like duplexes and accessory dwelling units. This will increase the housing supply and reduce price pressure on the market. I support innovative ideas such as community land trusts to bring the focus back onto housing, not land speculation. Property tax reform is also a part of the affordable housing solution.

Mallerie StromsWold (R)
Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 51

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Expand the DEQ revolving loan program for renewable energy. Expand the tax credit for electric cars. Move towards eliminating the use of coal-fired power plants. Set a goal for the State to reach zero-carbon resources. Provide incentives for Montana business to reduce the number of one time use plastics.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
First, reverse all the anti-transgender laws that were passed last session. Next, bring the spirit of treating other human beings like their human beings. Not sure why we need a law for this but maybe we do. Transgender people deserve the healthcare and treatment like everyone one else.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Regulate state wide or allow for local regulations of vacation rental homes. Revise the property tax structure such that owners of 5 or more single family homes or mobile home parks pay an additional tax. Require developers to include affordable homes in each housing development. Regulate mobile home park lot rental fees.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 52

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I would support any and all efforts to prevent climate change, including prioritizing clean energy developments for wind, solar and hydro throughout the state while also implementing additional incentives for homeowners and business owners who choose more sustainable energy options.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
LGBTQ+ and our transgender citizens deserve the same rights and protections as all other Montanans. I’ll work to ensure they are included and protected in all legislation I participate in.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I’d like to see the corporations buying up massive numbers of homes in Montana taxed appropriately, as well as implementing unit limits for corporations and rental companies, aggressive vacancy taxes and limits on the number of airbnbs within city limits.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate Districts
Senate District 24

Kathy kelker (D)
Endorsements: Montana Federation of Public Employees, Montana Conservation Voters, Big Sky 55+
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I support Montana’s existing Climate Solution Plan that outlines strategies for bringing net greenhouse gas emissions to zero in the electricity sector by 2035 and calls for carbon neutrality by 2050. The plan focuses on three areas: how to prepare communities for a changing climate; how to reduce emissions; and how to shift Montana’s economy to be more sustainable. To be successful, Montana must rely on coordinated efforts involving our university system, the state legislature, businesses, utilities, communities and citizens.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
Currently in Montana, same-sex sexual activity is legal. Also, same-sex couples and families headed by same-sex couples are eligible for all the protections available to opposite-sex married couples. However state statutes do not address discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. I would support statutes that protect for LGBTQ+ citizens from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
There is no silver bullet to solve the housing shortage, but there are strategies that work:
• Preserve the viability of existing affordable rental housing
• Increase the supply of long-term affordable rental housing
• Support affordable housing deals in the pipeline • Revitalize existing neighborhoods
• Use philanthropy and private capital
• Engage businesses in developing workforce housing
• Offer incentives and tax breaks
• Increase density
• Repurpose vacant land
• Speed up permitting processes
• Consider modular building

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 79

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
In the legislature, I will support clean, renewable energy sources and utilize modern techniques to reduce harmful emissions. I also support carbon sequestration to reduce carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere and other technologies to modernize existing energy infrastructure. The transition to renewable energy sources must be accompanied by well-funded transition programs, training, housing, and other supports that ensure hard working Montanans can support themselves and their families.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will support and advocate for legislation that protects human rights so LGBTQ+ individuals can live safely anywhere in Montana free from discrimination, violence, harassment, and bullying. I will advocate for equal treatment of all individuals before the law and oppose legislation that infringes on the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ people.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Funding the revolving loan program. Requiring that developments set aside a percent of their build for affordable and universal design housing. Using federal Covid relief funds to bring down the cost of rent, build rentals and homes to sell that are affordable. Property tax relief. And changing the eligibility standard for all assistance to be based on the self-sufficiency standard that keeps pace with current expenses.
House District 81

Melissa Romano (D)
Endorsements: Montanans for Choice, Montana AFL-CIO, and Montana Federation of Public Employee
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I recognize that oil and gas are a crucial part of our economy, but even oil and gas companies are committing to going green. It’s time our state joined the oil and gas industry in embracing renewable forms of energy. I’ll fight to provide homeowners and businesses with tax incentives for going green and hold our state to our Climate Solutions Plan.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
Not only are attacks on LGBTQ+ residents harmful to Montanans, but it is also harmful to our economy. I will work to fend off any attacks on our LGBTQ+ community and especially on transgender youth. I am also dedicated to supporting any legislative instruments that further codify the protections of LGBTQ+ residents in Montana.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Future generations of Montanas need to be able to afford to buy a home in our state. I will fight for affordable housing and to incentivize the development of affordable housing by implementing zoning reforms, working to reduce land value taxes, and making housing subsidies more accessible to Montanans who need them most.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 82

Endorsements: Montana Conservation Voters, MT AFL-CIO, Montana Sportsmen Alliance
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Access for all people to policies that save mother earth. Modify requirements of Montana’s renewable loan programs to include homeowners who are low-income. Training programs matching workers who need good paying jobs with jobs that save energy and clean up the environment. The purchase of renewables as an allowable use of LEIP for Montanans who are low-income. Revitalize the low-income car loan program to purchase electric cars.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
By following the lead of the people who are directly impacted by helpful and harmful legislation and state budgeting.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Funding the revolving loan program. Requiring that developments set aside a percent of their build for affordable and universal design housing. Using federal Covid relief funds to bring down the cost of rent, build rentals and homes to sell that are affordable. Property tax relief. And changing the eligibility standard for all assistance to be based on the self-sufficiency standard that keeps pace with current expenses.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 83

Endorsements: Montana Federation of Public Employees, AFL-CIO, Montana Conservation Voters
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I will continue to support policies that help our economy shift to low/no carbon alternatives through things like infrastructure for electric vehicles, new low carbon technologies, and policies that mitigate the impact for communities like Colstrip in a no carbon future. I will also support policies that help prepare our roads, bridges, and community infrastructure for the impacts of climate change as serious weather events become the norm.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will continue to vote against whatever bigoted nonsense policies are attempted this next session. We have to enact policies that protect the rights and freedoms of LGBTQ+ folks starting with including sexual orientation as a protected class under the state’s human rights laws.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Last session, I voted for every bill to create more affordable housing and against bills that would put up barriers to making more housing available. One such bill that would have unlock millions of dollars for building more housing was vetoed by the Governor. When it comes back up, I will be voting a giant YES on it. I’ve also carried bills to increase the rights and protections for renters every session that I have served.

Bob Leach (r)
Endorsements: Christi Jacobsen, Deanna Crum, Derek Skees
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No Response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
With only 1/2 of the world on bord, we are just wasting our time.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
They should have equal but not special treatment under the law.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
The Governor has a committee working on it right now. Let’s see what they fine.
House District 84

Endorsements: Montanans for Choice, AFL-CIO Labor Organization, Former Congressional Candidate John Heenan
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I support clean energy from all available sources, including solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and safe nuclear energy. Fossil fuels provide important baseload capacity, but we must transition to a cleaner future that protects our water and our air. During this transition, we cannot neglect our miners and factory workers. We must provide job security and retraining support. New energy production facilities should be built where our trained workers already reside.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will always support LGBTQ+ protections and will follow the leadership and guidance of our transgender and non-binary representatives who will soon be elected to the Montana Legislature. I support gender-affirming healthcare and repealing the Montana Constitution’s marriage amendment. I support repeal of the transgender discrimination bills that were unfortunately passed in the last session.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Let’s start with zoning reform that will reduce or eliminate minimum lot sizes and permit more multi-family housing, like duplexes and accessory dwelling units. This will increase the housing supply and reduce price pressure on the market. I support innovative ideas such as community land trusts to bring the focus back onto housing, not land speculation. Property tax reform is also a part of the affordable housing solution.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate Districts
Senate District 42

Mary Ann Dunwell (D)
Endorsements: MT Conservation Voters, MT Federation of Public Employees, Big Sky 55+, MT AFL-CIO, Everytown for Gun Sense
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I’d work with Forward MT and vote for 100% renewable energy standard. I’d also continue to sponsor my carbon cost community dividend bill that I introduced in 2019 & 2021 to charge big polluters a fee on carbon emissions and return that money to communities harmed by pollution, including Tribal communities, and support displaced fossil fuel workers. I’d support and vote for environmental justice actions that compensate those harmed by pollution.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I’d continue to work against white nationalist supremacist violence like my 2021 bill to declare these hate crimes as domestic violence hate crimes. I’d also continue to wage a strong defense against hate legislation that discriminates against LGBTQI+ individuals.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I’d continue to work on legislation for tax credits for developers to build affordable housing and for homeowners and renters. I will work for rent price sideboards to stop the high rent, tenant-gouging crisis. And continue to work with Habitat for Humanity to expand its resources through state funding and support. I will work for zoning improvements for things like requiring in-fill rather than sprawl development, mixed development with multi-family housing development and not just single family home communities, and encourage Accessible Development Units. We’d also need to upgrade our infrastructures to accommodate housing density. Thank you for your consideration.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Great FallS
House Districts
House District 21

Endorsements: Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), John Shinholser Co-Founder McShin Foundation
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Investing in upgrading the power grid, improving public transit and investing in zero-emission transit and school buses, installing a nationwide EV charging network, cleaning up legacy pollution, replacing lead pipes and delivering clean water in addition providing clean energy investments and tax credits that will bring down the sticker prices of EVs, weatherize homes and businesses to cut energy costs.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
Prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in housing, public accommodations, employment, credit and lending. Remove religious exemption laws that allow medical providers, child welfare agencies, or private businesses to explicitly refuse to serve people if they feel doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs, including people of different faiths, races, or genders or sexualities (including LGBTQ people). Eliminate HIV criminalization laws, which disproportionately impact gay and bisexual men, transgender people, and people of color (and LGBTQ people of color).
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Give incentives for mixed use city/county planning to ensure increased accessibility to walk-ability within each community. Increasing regulations on short term rentals in high rental areas of each city/county.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 22

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I believe we can curb the change in climate through smarter means of power production, investment in clean(er) energy, and dare I say, hope that the dream of the Alchemists comes true in the near future; 100% clean and efficient Fusion Power. Until that time I would like to see continual progress towards electric cars, wind turbines, solar power, and other forms of clean(er) energy.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I pledge to vote against any legislation that hinders Human Rights to any individual, be they Indigenous, LGBTQ+, Reproductive, etc. Human Rights. I also pledge to vote against any form of discrimination period, whether it is wrapped up in a Religious Freedom bill, or hidden within another shiny package meant to mask its true potential.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I believe first-time home-buyer organizations like Neighbor-works in Great Falls is a great resource, but that doesn’t help those of us not qualified, or simply renting. I must make it clear I am against a rent-cap. I would like to see tax-credits available to multi-level dwelling owners to encourage lower rent. Options could include zoning reform, removing barriers to building cheaper housing, and building code reform; many cheaper alternatives to traditional homes can be built if only zoning allowed (see quonset homes).

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Endorsements: N/A
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I will vote against government coercion on what individuals or businesses want to do, including inappropriate subsidies or regulations preventing full energy independence for MT
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will vote against government coercion on what individuals or businesses want to do, including the various defined and undefined protected classes (e.g. age, sex, etc.)
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I will vote against government coercion on what individuals or businesses want to do and that includes advocating for more freedom in zoning and building regulations.
House District 23

Endorsements: AFL-CIO, Big Sky 55+, Montana Women Vote, Planned Parenthood
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
One of the major reasons I am running for office is because working as a climate activist through community organizations wasn’t enough to effect change. It became very apparent that having a seat at the Legislative table was vital to pushing climate action forward. I will work towards a just transition that protects workers and marginalized communities, and unleashes Montana’s infinite sources of renewable energy.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
None of the bills presented in the 2021 Legislature should have been considered legitimate ideas for the betterment of Montana society. I testified against all the bills that have harmed LGBTQ+ people. I consider equal protection for all to be a human rights issue. Bathroom laws, birth certificate status, and proof of one’s gender are harmful, and have no place in a free society.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
The State needs to work every available avenue to create affordable housing, including Federal programs, private lenders, non-profits and developers. Instead of creating barriers, the State of Montana needs to create more incentives for builders and communities to increase affordable housing. In addition, I support urban infill, encouraging ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) and returning local control to communities, for programs such as Inclusionary Zoning.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 24

Endorsements: Montana Federation of Public Employees, AFL-CIO, Montana Conservation Voters
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
As climate change is becoming more prevalent, we need to think about how this will affect our health. Covid-19 was the first pandemic in 100 years, but as our climate changes we will see more and more pandemics and health issues. We must continue to support bills that will help to prevent climate change while also keeping public health at the forefront.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
The LGBTQ+ community faces high rates of substance use and suicide rates. And when there are bills that are harmful to this community that rate is even higher, combine that with Montana high rates. I will support and champion bills that will help to bring prevention of substance use/suicide among this community. I will also support and champion bills that will help with mental health and substance use disorder treatment.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Accessible and affordable housing is a priority. It is not just about having a place to live, but also having a place that is affordable and accessible for food, work, healthcare, education, and childcare (if needed). Housing that is in a healthy environment regardless of owning, renting or economic standing. I would support bills that will help to improve quality of life for everyone, no matter where they live.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No Response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 25

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I am a champion for energy efficiency. Much of state policy neglects the role that average Montana small businesses, homeowners and renters can play in building our energy future. A key finding of the 7th Northwestern Power Plan was that we could obviate the need for any new power plants just through increasing energy efficiency. We can also leverage federal infrastructure and agricultural programs to implement low-to-no-interest, expert-guided energy efficiency upgrades to homes and small businesses, and make our public utilities participate in those programs. Allowing regular Montanans to save money on their power bills, and spend that money in local businesses is lifting from the bottom up, so that everyone rises.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
My mom used to say: “If it isn’t fun for everyone, it isn’t fun.” I will tell the legislature: “If it isn’t freedom for everyone, it isn’t freedom.” We need to amend the Montana Human Rights Act to prohibit discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community in housing, employment, education and public accommodations, and ban conversion therapy.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
We can invest in housing supports for youth aging out of foster care, use Medicaid for housing for patients experiencing homelessness, and enact a state Low Income Housing Tax Credit. Investing in affordable housing solutions could cost as much as $15m, which we can pay for by eliminating the capital gains intangible personal property exemption. That’s a new law which allows big companies to not pay taxes on valuable assets like copyrights, agreements, software. Let’s invest that money in housing for the people who make those intangible assets valuable.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 26

Endorsements: Montanans for Choice, AFL-CIO Labor Organization, Former Congressional Candidate John Heenan
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I support clean energy from all available sources, including solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and safe nuclear energy. Fossil fuels provide important baseload capacity, but we must transition to a cleaner future that protects our water and our air. During this transition, we cannot neglect our miners and factory workers. We must provide job security and retraining support. New energy production facilities should be built where our trained workers already reside.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will always support LGBTQ+ protections and will follow the leadership and guidance of our transgender and non-binary representatives who will soon be elected to the Montana Legislature. I support gender-affirming healthcare and repealing the Montana Constitution’s marriage amendment. I support repeal of the transgender discrimination bills that were unfortunately passed in the last session.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Let’s start with zoning reform that will reduce or eliminate minimum lot sizes and permit more multi-family housing, like duplexes and accessory dwelling units. This will increase the housing supply and reduce price pressure on the market. I support innovative ideas such as community land trusts to bring the focus back onto housing, not land speculation. Property tax reform is also a part of the affordable housing solution.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 28

Endorsements: Montanans for Choice, AFL-CIO Labor Organization, Former Congressional Candidate John Heenan
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I support clean energy from all available sources, including solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and safe nuclear energy. Fossil fuels provide important baseload capacity, but we must transition to a cleaner future that protects our water and our air. During this transition, we cannot neglect our miners and factory workers. We must provide job security and retraining support. New energy production facilities should be built where our trained workers already reside.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will always support LGBTQ+ protections and will follow the leadership and guidance of our transgender and non-binary representatives who will soon be elected to the Montana Legislature. I support gender-affirming healthcare and repealing the Montana Constitution’s marriage amendment. I support repeal of the transgender discrimination bills that were unfortunately passed in the last session.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Let’s start with zoning reform that will reduce or eliminate minimum lot sizes and permit more multi-family housing, like duplexes and accessory dwelling units. This will increase the housing supply and reduce price pressure on the market. I support innovative ideas such as community land trusts to bring the focus back onto housing, not land speculation. Property tax reform is also a part of the affordable housing solution.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate Districts
Senate District 11

Endorsements: AFL-CIO, Montana Rural Voters, Montana Sportsman
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Important that we diversify our energy portfolio with renewable energy. I would support net-metering and wind, solar, and nuclear.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I would continue to defend against attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, as I have during the last 10 years in office. People should have the opportunity to be who they are and love who they are.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
One of our top priorities should be funding the housing trust the state has already created. We need to use the budget surplus to fund the housing trust so we can fund housing indefinitely into the future.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate District 12

Endorsements: AFL-CIO, MFPE, Montana Rural Voters
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
1. I support creating incentives through tax credits for environmentally friendly business practices.
2. I support investing in programs that help Montanans with low income to retrofit their homes to be more efficient and tax credits for those who can afford and choose to make their homes more efficient.
3. I support protecting and improving net metering laws in Montana.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I believe that the Montana Constitution protects the rights of LGBTQ+ people. I would support codifying specific rights in the MCA if determined appropriate by the LGBTQ+ community. I am an ally and would look for guidance from the community.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
In addition to being environmentally friendly, retrofitting homes more efficiently saves money. So again, I would support investing in programs and improving incentives for more efficient homes. The Legislature should also restore local control and allow respective communities to have a say in the housing crises. I’m also a supporter of programs like NeighborWorks and would love to see Montana invest in similar programs.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate District 13

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Support policies that incentivize uptake of more climate friendly options. Properly fund education, housing, and public health to address the impacts of climate change.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
Do whatever possible to protect their human rights.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Support all policies that promote diverse living options communities want. Protect and re-establish local control, and promote and increase funding for housing trusts.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
hOUSE districts
House District 73

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 74

Endorsements: MFPE, MT AFL-CIO, UA 41 Plumbers and Pipefitters
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I would work with stakeholders and support achievable / common sense legislation.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will work with advocacy groups and do anything in my power to support LGBTQ+ people’s rights.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I will work with stakeholders and support or carry any legislation supporting access to affordable housing in Montana.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 76

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Support any legislation to invest in renewable energy.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
Supporting any legislation to protect rights and any anti-discrimination policy.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Push for more funding to build more affordable housing. Supporting any inclusionary zoning legislation.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House Districts
House District 89

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
First, we need to invest in and modernize our grid. This will increase the reliability of energy delivery and will help bring on new renewable energy projects. Second, coal energy is on its way out whether people like it or not. We need to start using new energy sources. Montana has huge, untapped wind energy potential. We can also look at large scale battery storage, and responsible small scale nuclear.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
We must oppose bill that target or restrict the rights of Montana’s LGBTQ citizens. I will support strengthening our statewide non-discrimination ordinance and will oppose changing the Montana Constitution which protects basic rights. All people should be treated with dignity and respect in their communities, workplaces, and schools.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I would like to scale up Montana’s Multifamily Coal Trust Homes program and incentivize building by providing low interest loans for affordable housing projects. This can be done right now using just a portion of Montana’s large budget surplus. I would also establish a first-time home buyer savings account where first-time home buyers will be able to deduct from their taxable income all contributions made towards their home down payment.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 90

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
One of the major reasons I am running for office is because working as a climate activist through community organizations wasn’t enough to effect change. It became very apparent that having a seat at the Legislative table was vital to pushing climate action forward. I will work towards a just transition that protects workers and marginalized communities, and unleashes Montana’s infinite sources of renewable energy.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
None of the bills presented in the 2021 Legislature should have been considered legitimate ideas for the betterment of Montana society. I testified against all the bills that have harmed LGBTQ+ people. I consider equal protection for all to be a human rights issue. Bathroom laws, birth certificate status, and proof of one’s gender are harmful, and have no place in a free society.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
The State needs to work every available avenue to create affordable housing, including Federal programs, private lenders, non-profits and developers. Instead of creating barriers, the State of Montana needs to create more incentives for builders and communities to increase affordable housing. In addition, I support urban infill, encouraging ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) and returning local control to communities, for programs such as Inclusionary Zoning.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 91

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I will continue to support initiatives to encourage the development of renewable energy in our state.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will continue To work towards ensuring that the rights of LGBTQ+ people are protected and improved statewide.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I will support programs and funding to help with our affordable housing crisis Including housing tax credits and loan programs.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 92

Endorsements: N/A
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
A primary focus and theme of my campaign revolves around water and it’s use, cost, and conservation. The Montana Legislature should look at incentivizing and supporting citizens and groups that are most efficient in curtailing or lightening their carbon footprint, or can most efficiently conserve water resources at home or in the workplace. User fees should more liberally be applied to citizens and groups who consume water without conservation and/or recycling measures in place. Municipalities should be encouraged, potentially incentivized, and supported to purchase their water from private entities, much as has happened in Missoula, so that citizens have greater control over the use and distribution of this most precious resource.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
After consultation with LGBTQ+ leaders and representatives, I have in mind to present legislation to recognize a third gender, as is done in some countries presently, to confirm gender identity in civil law, by creating a place for third gender on birth certificates. Further, changing gender identity on birth certificates should be less burdensome, and free from government antagonism/opposition. Across the board, no government has the authority to identify a human being as anything other than what that human being identifies as them self, for any purpose.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Municipalities should have significantly more control and power over the relative growth or shrinkage of their communities. The U.S. Constitution and to a lesser degree the Montana Constitution are documents that protect property owners. It was property owners who wrote the documents. State governments have historically little if any influence on the economy of housing access and affordability directly. The one place where the Montana legislature can impact the economy of housing is in our tax structure, which is regressive and has been for decades. But until you get enough legislators who agree on making our state tax structure even slightly more progressive, and a Governor who isn’t working for the richest land owners and out-of-state buyers of Montana land, I’m sorry to predict that the housing problem in Montana across the state will only become more anxious and lopsided in favor of wealthy large landowners. (perhaps this is one variable in favor of municipalities owning their own water; it provides some potential leverage when developers talk about the number of housing units they project in a specific area of development, and the impact that housing will have on the capacity of an area to provide basic living needs, like water). The legislature should seriously look at taxing out-of-state large(er) land holders, especially those that are truly absentee landlords.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 93

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Tax incentives for home owners to add solar panels and small wind power generators. Increase funding to increase the number of EV charging stations.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
Increase access to affordable, high-quality, nondiscriminatory health care services and insurance benefits for LGBTQ people, especially transgender individuals. Promote the economic security and financial stability of LGBTQ people by fostering inclusive labor practices and workplace policies, especially for transgender individuals and especially access to bathrooms of the gender that trans individual identify as. Protect and strengthen the civil rights of LGBTQ people engaged with the criminal legal system and law enforcement. Foster inclusive, safe, welcoming, and affirming schools and educational environments for LGBTQ students. Make sure that transgender individuals can participate in the sport that they identify with. (trans girl participating in girl sports) Ensure greater access to safe and stable housing for LGBTQ people, as well as support services for those experiencing homelessness.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Tough question and there is nit an easy answer to this question. We need to increase funding to expand water and sewer lines to accommodate for Montana’s growth in population. Restore the Low income Housing Tax Credit to the 30 year period(it was reduced to 15 years)

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I will vote against government coercion on what individuals or businesses want to do, including inappropriate subsidies or regulations preventing full energy independence for MT
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will vote against government coercion on what individuals or businesses want to do, including the various defined and undefined protected classes (e.g. age, sex, etc.)
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I will vote against government coercion on what individuals or businesses want to do and that includes advocating for more freedom in zoning and building regulations.
House District 94

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 95

Endorsements: MT Federation of Public Employees, Victory Fund, House Minority Leader Kim Abbott
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I see climate change as a serious and urgent priority. I will follow the leadership of Indigenous Montanans in pushing for better forest and land-use management policies and investing in climate mitigation efforts in low-income and rural communities. I will support policies that move us away from fossil fuels and toward ensuring that all communities have the resources they need to thrive long-term.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
As a queer and trans-nonbinary Montanan, I will always stand up for my community – whether fighting attacks on trans youth or pushing for protection from discrimination. LGBTQ+ Montanans deserve access to health care (including gender affirming care) and education that is safe and inclusive. I have fought to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ people in Montana for over a decade and will continue to do so every day I serve.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I will support policies to address all aspects of affordable housing – not just those that help homeowners, but also policies to support renters and those experiencing homelessness. These policies might include a property tax circuit-breaker, regulating short term rentals (like AirBnbs), and investing in both short-term and permanent shelter options across the state. I support investing in the state’s Housing Trust Fund and changing zoning laws to increase density.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 96

Endorsements: Montanans for Choice, Montana Federation of Public Employees, 314 Action Fund to Elect Scientists
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I will advocate for making Montana a leader in climate change solutions by 1) reinstating the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard; 2) supporting net metering policies; 3) engaging farmers and ranchers in practices that promote carbon sequestration; 4) and developing tax and regulatory incentives for renewable energy investment. Adaptation to climate change is essential. Through active forest management, including prescribed fire, we can drastically reduce wildfire risk in our state.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I strongly oppose policies that discriminate against Montanans for any reason, including sexual orientation or gender identity. I will work to ensure that all Montanans are included under our equal protection guarantees. Recent attacks on LGBTQ+ people are deeply troubling and illegal. I will work to ensure that LGBTQ+ Montanans have access to high-quality healthcare and will fight any legislation that unfairly seeks to infringe on the rights of LGBTQ+ Montanans.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I will collaborate with local governments to expand the Housing Trust Fund to increase the supply of high-quality, affordable housing and bolster homebuyer assistance programs. To maintain long-term affordability I will support community land trusts. I will also advocate for policies to support stability for renters. Montana must develop diverse revenue streams (e.g., resort taxes) to offset property tax revenue and ensure Montanans are not taxed out of our community.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 97

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
The health of Montana’s forests and waterways is the driving force behind the economy of Western Montana. Any steps the legislature can take to reduce the need for fossil fuel use and extraction is going to be key to protecting that economy and the people that live here.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will defend the constitution of the State of Montana against these extremist attacks. The rights of the individual come before the rights of the state. The governor and his party want to use big government to force their extreme religious views into our personal lives, and I will stand up to protect the rights of all Montanans to live the life they want.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I firmly support actions that will increase the housing inventory across the state. I think the legislature should require Montana municipalities with zoning to review those regulations every decade at least. While we need to keep as much input from citizens as possible, the legislature can also create some neighborhood incentives to decrease NIMBY sentiment.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 98

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I completely support the transition from a carbon-based system of energy to a carbon-neutral or carbon-free economy – everything from incentives to regulation needs to move us in that direction.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
All people should be treated with equal dignity and the respect they deserve.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
I think non-Montana citizens could be paying more in property and/or income tax.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 99

Endorsements: Montana AFL-CIO, Montana Conservation Voters, Montana Federation of Public Employees
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Montana must join neighboring states to transition to renewable/clean energy sources. Utilities must be held responsible to meet renewable portfolio standards.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
As a former school district administrator I recognize the critical need to prpovide safe and inclusive environments for our students, and that belief will guide my work with regard to all Montanans. LGBTQ+ individuals must be protected by anti-discrimination statutes.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Coal trust monies should be used to expand low cost loan opportunities to support affordable workforce housing. Community land trusts must be supported to enhance local development of affordable housing.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
House District 100

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
I will work to defend the Montana constitution’s promise of a clean & healthful environment. I will support efforts to increase cross-state public transportation options. I will also work to increase investments in renewable energies, such as solar and wind, in order to increase our energy independence, help our environment, and bolster our economy. Lastly, I will oppose any legislation that will further entrench our reliance on fossil fuels.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
I will fight to repeal the anti-LGBTQ legislation that was passed in 2021, ban conversion therapy, as well as eliminate the gay/trans panic defense. Additionally, I will serve as an educator on LTBTQ issues for other legislators, with the acknowledgement that having LGBTQ people in the room where the laws are being written helps shift the conversation to be more equitable and reduces the likelihood of harmful legislation arising.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Place restrictions on short-term rentals, such as requiring them to be owned/operated by people living in the county. Reduce the amount single family zoning in cities, and allow for duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes to be built in areas zoned for single-family housing. Allow municipalities to utilize inclusionary zoning. Invest in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Incentivize affordable rentals by providing low-interest loans to developers who will build affordable units.

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Endorsements: Class A CDL, motorcycle, hazmat, Doubles Triples,
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No Response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
i would not give them special legal preference. their rights will be protected the same as any other person.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
remove rent and price controls, eliminate as much public welfare as possible.
Senate Districts
Senate District 48

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Yes *Based on Forward Montana 2021 Legislative Session Scorecard
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate District 49

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
No response
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response
Senate District 50

Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
Climate change is a comprehensive challenge, and should be met with comprehensive solutions affecting how we organize our economy, our infrastructure, and our priorities. I support comprehensive government solutions like we see in proposals like the Green New Deal. I have brought to hearing bills to require our energy companies to “plan” for 100% renewables as well as community energy projects. We also need strong investment in a green economy and infrastructure, in which I brought a public transportation study and a study to look at sustainable agriculture and food security.
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
LGBTIQ2+ people are entitled by the MT Constitution and the US Constitution to be treated with dignity and respect, and to enjoy all the rights and privileges any other human being is entitled and government has the obligation to protect, and fulfill these rights. I have worked directly on LGBTIQ2+ rights using all the tools available, including legal representation, advocacy and activism.
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
Housing is required for work, mental health, stability and security. Housing is a human right. We must end tax incentives for multiple home ownership/investment, such as the upswing in AIRBNB type LLC ownership. In addition, we must strength our economy so that it works for everyone, including investments again in education, job training, continuing professional and technical training – and investment in stronger wages, retirements, etc. We also must increase our direct investment in affordable housing and home buyer incentives.

Endorsements: No response
Do you support efforts to maintain the expansion of Medicaid statewide?
No response
Do you support improving access for all voters to the ballot by maintaining and expanding vote-by-mail programs, same day voter registration services, satellite election offices, and automatic and online voter registration?
No response
Do you agree that the Montana Constitution’s right to privacy protects Montanan’s access to safe, legal abortion?
No response
What actions, if any, would you support through this office to prevent climate change and assist those most impacted by our changing climate and economy?
No response
How will you work to ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender individuals, are protected statewide?
What actions, if any, would you take to make housing more accessible and affordable in communities across Montana?
No response