It’s not quite the “Night before Legislative Session” yet but to get into the holiday spirit, we hope you’ll pour yourself an eggnog and read our legislative session update to the poetic beat of the ‘Night before Christmas’…
It’s that time of the biennium for the session to start.
We’ve researched committees (allies & foes) and dusted off drafts of bills from the past. Our LAWS preference lists are crafted with care and our legislative friends are soon to be snug in their 100 some year old chairs.
As we look to the new year, we’re proud of our list of legislative priorities — we promise you won’t want to miss.
Student debt assistance for young farmers who commit to the state & $5 million for needs-based assistance so all students can access enough financial aid. We’ll be rallying for public lands and solar energy, plus making sure young people continue to access expanded Medicaid.
Last, but not least, we’ll protect our voting rights by supporting Automatic & Online Registration — because registering to vote shouldn’t take a whole public demonstration. And, finally, we’ll urge that 16-year-olds can serve as election judges and pre-register to vote so that they’re ahead of the curve.

So much to do and that’s why we’re stoked to bring on a legislative communications fellow to help us email, post, and bellow our legislative work. Margaret Grayson heralds from student journalism, a recent grad, and comes to us with wit, good grammar, and an excellent smirk.
Keep up with our work through our weekly newsletter — we promise that Margaret’s prose will be so much better.