Welcome to your 2022 General Election online voter guide. This is meant to be a step by step guide through your ballot! To begin, scroll down and follow the button and prompts and click through the guide as you fill out your ballot. For any questions, email Courtney at courtney@forwardmontana.org.
Click the links below to jump to the section of this page with information about that race.
US HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE, Supreme Court, & bALLOT INITIATIVES | pUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION | mONTANA legislative Districts | County Wide Levies and bonds
We hope you enjoy your online voter guide journey and your civic engagement!

US HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE, Supreme Court, AND ballot Initiatives
The first race on your ballot is for the US House Representative. After that you will move onto voting for the Montana Supreme Court and then to a few ballot initiatives. Click the link below to begin, or move onto one of the next sections.
If you are in a district voting for the next Public Service Commissioners, this will be on your ballot. Districts one and five are voting. To find out if you are in one of those districts, check out the map to the right:
For more information about the candidates running for the Public Service Commission in districts one and five, click the link below!

Montana Legislature
Montana SENATE
The next race on your ballot is the Montana Senate race. Voter guides are available for districts in Bozeman, Butte, Billings, Helena, and Missoula. To find out which Senate district you are in, head to link here. For more information about the candidates running in each of the senate districts listed above, head to the link below.
Montana house
The next race on your ballot is the Montana House. Forward Montana has guides to house races in Great Falls, Helena, Missoula, Billings, Butte, and Bozeman.
Not sure which house district you are in? Head to the link here to find out. For the voter guides in each house district, click on the link below.
County wide levies and bonds
The next race on your ballot will be your local county and city wide races. Our online voter guide covers county wide races in Cascade County, Flathead County, Gallatin County, and Missoula County. Click the link below to access the county wide races in your area.